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[Graduates] 2010.04.02 (Quiz 04) Damping

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 2317

The steady-state acceleration amplitude of a structure caused by an eccentric-mass exciter was measured for several excitation frequencies. These data are as follows. Determine the natural frequency and damping ratio of the structure using MATLAB.

Frequency (Hz) Acceleration (10-3g)
1.337 0.68
1.378 0.90
1.400 1.15
1.417 1.50
1.438 2.20
1.453 3.05
1.462 4.00
1.477 7.00
1.487 8.60
1.493 8.15
1.497 7.60
1.500 7.10
1.513 5.40
1.520 4.70
1.530 3.80
1.540 3.40
1.550 3.10
1.567 2.60
1.605 1.95
1.628 1.70
1.658 1.50