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[Univ of Liverpool] 2012.11.09 Two Lec Positions

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 3769

Dear Dr. Kim,

the Institute for Risk & Uncertainty / School of Engineering, University of Liverpool is recruiting 2 Lecturers as detailed below. I would very much appreciate if you could please convey this info to potential candidates.

Many thanks and best regards


Lecturer in Uncertainty and Risk in Complex Systems and Networks
h ttp://
Ref: A-580912/WWW
Closing date for receipt of applications: 7 December 2012
This Lectureship is allocated to both the Centre for Engineering Sustainability in the School of Engineering (administratively and for teaching) and the Institute for Risk & Uncertainty (for research). You will have a PhD in Engineering or a relevant Physical or Mathematical Science discipline. You will already have an excellent established research record in an academic environment, including the publishing of influential papers in leading academic journals and the attraction of external funding from a range of sources. Applications are particularly welcome from those with a background in uncertainty quantification in complex systems and networks, and mathematical modelling of processes. Teaching commitments can be expected at both undergraduate and postgraduate level within the School. The post is available immediately.

Lecturer in Geotechnical Risk and Environmental Hazards
h ttp://
Ref: A-580915/WWW
Closing date for receipt of applications: 7 December 2012
This Lectureship is allocated to both the Centre for Engineering Sustainability in the School of Engineering (administratively and for teaching) and the Institute for Risk & Uncertainty (for research). You will have experience in uncertainty quantification and environmental risk assessment in geotechnical engineering  and hydrology and stability problems (slope stability / landslides) in association with natural hazards. You will have a PhD in Engineering or a relevant Physical or Mathematical Science discipline. You should have a background in modelling, quantification and processing of uncertainty and in the assessment of risk in this context with stochastic, Bayesian or alternative (e.g. imprecise probabilities) models.  Teaching can be expected at both undergraduate and postgraduate level within the School. The post is available immediately.