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[세미나] 2009.05.21 research presentations

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 3425

Dear folks

Please be informed that Structural System Laboratory will host Master
and Doctoral research and poster presentations on 21 Jun 2009 at 2pm
at 6405 room. All of you are invited to attend. You may bring along
your friends if they are interested. The presenters are shown below :

1) Poster Presenters
Jintao Cui - Seismis Response Prediction of Cabinet Strcutures in
Nuclear Power Plant by Using Impact Hammer Tests
Sunghyuk Ko - Capacity Spectrum Method Based on Story Drift for
Estimating the Maximum Story Drift of Buildings
Nadhim Farej - Voids and Symmetry Detection of CFTA Grider Based on
Static Analysis

2) Reseearch Presenters
Miah Mohamad - An innovative Dumper - Design and Implementation
Feng Wang - Comparison of Capacity Spectrum Method and Energy Based
Method Based on Soil Structures Interaction.

Should you require further information please do not hesitate to
contact me. I look forward to seeing you at the presentation.

Kind regards,
