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[2015.05.11 - 5.26] Postdoctoral program from the NRF

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 2588

=== Postdoctoral program from the NRF ===
There is a notice on tthe NRF post-doc program:

The format of the program is attached:

If there are proper and positive ones, please let us know.
We can prepare the proposal together.
The important dates of it are:
1. On-line submission of the proposal: 5/11 - 5/26
2. Off-line submission: - 5/29
Further supports from our lab, SSL, can be possible:
1. Housing (Utilities are not included)
2. Incentives depending on his research achievements
3. If his/her research interests are similar with ours and he/she wants to be involved in the ongoing projects (mainly on structural dynamic based topics), further support from the project may be possible.
4. If his/her performance is good in our research area, the extension of the supports from the SSL will be possible.
If there are good ones, please let us know.