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Notice 공지 Free 자유 Q&A 질문 Academia 학회 Visitor 방명록 Gallery 사진

[2010.06.25] Prof. Young-Cheol Yoon

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 1900


[Seminar] 윤영철교수님 (Prof. Young-Cheol Yoon)

이동최소제곱 차분법의 개발과 응용 –불연속 문제를 중심으로-
Development and applications of Moving-Least-Squares Difference Method –Focused on discontinuity problems-
-Who: 윤영철교수(Pf. Young-Cheol Yoon)
-11:00AM, Friday, June 25, 2010
-Where: 4th floor of the Department of Civil Engineering