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Invited Seminar
Invited Lecture (초청강연)
2017.03.17. Dr. Min Sun Lee (Hydro-Soft Tech, Japan), "Challenge and Change"
2017.03.29. Dr. Jin-Hak Yi, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), "Experimental Modal Analysis and Damage Detection of Wind Turbine Tower Structures";
2017.03.29. Dr. Wonsul Kim, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), "Wind Tunnel Tests and Its Applications in Structural Engineering";
2016.10.07. Mr. Wang Feng (FunctionBay, Inc.), "Application of RecurDyn FunctionBay Program"
2016.02.04(Thu), Dr. BumJoon Kim, KonKun Univ., "How to use X-SEA and X-FAST for the anlysis of offshore structures"
2015.02.8-11 The 1st Korea-Vietnam Joint Symposium on Geo-Environmental and Civil Engineering, Kunsan National University, February 8 - 11, 2015
2015.07.29(WED) 권현한 교수님, 전북대, "Bayesian Network 방법 및 응용 연구 사례 소개"
2015.11.12(THU) 김은성 부장님, 나다건설, "준설토 이송 및 유동상태 결정 전문가시스템 개발(High Efficient Transport Technology for Dredged Soil)"
2014.07.17(THU) 박미연 박사님, 승화기술정책연구소, "Asset Management - Process & Practice"
2014.07.17(THU) 권세곤 박사님, 철도연구원, "역사구조물 소음/진동 저감기술개발"
2014.09.25(THU) 서형열 박사님, 한국시설안전공단 연구원, "토목분야 CAD 공인자격 취득 노하우 및 실무활용"
2014.09.25(THU) 류희룡 박사님, 농촌진흥청(국립원예특작과학원): 비닐하우스의 3차원 구조 설계 및 안전성 평가 Dr. HeeRyong Ryu, Rural Development Administration: Design and Safety Assessment of the Greenhouse
2012.06.13(WED) 조수진 박사님 (Soojin Cho, Ph.D) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, "Recent Advances in Wireless Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges"
2011.01.05(WED) 최만용 박사님 (Man-Yong Choi, Ph.D) 한국표준과학연구원 (KRISS) "적외선열화상 NDT기술 (Infrared-Thermography for NDT)"
2011.01.05(WED) 이우상 박사님(Woo-Sang Lee, Ph.D) Smart control and sensing "Development and application of smart sensors and shaking table"
2011.01.05(WED) 조수진 박사님 (Soojin Cho, Ph.D) KAIST "스마트 무선 센서를 이용한 사장교 건전성 모니터링 (Structural Health Monitoring of Cable-stayed Bridge Using Wireles Smart Sensors)"
2011.02.01(TUE) Dr. Jose Leo C. Mission (호세 미션 교수님) Silliman University, Philippines "INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURAL SIMULATIONS WITH OPENSEES (Opensees를 이용한 구조해석)"
2011.11.12(WED) Prof. Yinfeng Dong (동 교수님) Chongqing University, China "My Research Activities in Chongqing University"
2010.05.06(THU) 군산대 문병영 교수님 "Vibration Analysis of Nonlinear System using Analytical Method"
2010.06.25(FRI) 명지전문대 윤영철 교수님 "Development and applications of Moving-Least-Squares Difference Method -Focused on discontinuity problems-"
2010.07.08(THU) 나웅진 박사님, 해양항만청 기술서기관 "Application of Probability and Simulation in Civil Engineering"
2010.08.07(FRI) Prof. Sandeep Chaudhary, Dept of Strl Eng, Malaviya Nat Institute of Technology,Jaipur,India "SERVICE LOAD BEHAVIOR OF STEEL - CONCRETE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES"
2010.11.03(THU) Dr. H.C. Ir. Jos Beurskens, ECN Wind Energy, Petten, Netherlands "Energy from the Sea: Emerging Technologies, Wind Energy"
2010.12.17(FRI) 최현호 박사님(Hyun-Ho Choi, Ph.D), 한국도로공사(KOREA EXPRESSWAY CORP.) "Risk Management in Civil Engineering"
2009.02.27(FRI) Dr. Chung-Che Chou, National Taiwan University "Rehabilitation of Welded Steel Moment Connections Prior to 1996"
2009.02.27(FRI) Dr. Chunwei Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology "Recent advances on structural vibration control and blast resistance research in HIT Blast Resistance and Protective Engineering laboratory"
2009.02.27(FRI) Dr. Jianbing Chen, Tonji University "Stochastic Response Analysis of Earthquake Excited Nonlinear Structures"
2009.02.27(FRI) Dr. Jian-Guo Dai, Hong Kong Polytechnic University "Evaluation, Modeling and Optimization of Interface Bond in Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Strengthened Concrete Structures"
2009.02.27(FRI) Dr. Suchart Limkatanyu, Prince of Songkla University "Nonlinear Frame Models with Bond Interfaces: Formulation and Applications"
2009.02.27(FRI) Dr. Yuxi Zhao, Zhejiang University "Study on Concrete Cracking due to Reinforcement Corrosion"
2009.02.27(FRI) Dr. Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Nihon University "Three-Dimensional Seismic Tomography for Soundness Evaluation of Concrete Structures "
2009.02.27(FRI) 권민호 교수님 (Dr. Minho Kwon), 경상대 (Gyeongsang National University) "Prediction Of Nonlinear Behavior For FRP Concrete Beam By Multi-Axial Constitutive Laws"
2009.02.27(FRI) 도정윤 교수님 (Dr. Jeongyun Do), 군산대 (Kunsan National University) "Performance Configurations and Optimal Selection of Patching Repair Materials for Concrete Structure Using AHP"
2009.02.27(FRI) 곽유진 교수님 (Dr. Yew-Chin Koay), Victoria State Government "A Current Innovative Solution to Eliminate the Past Trip Hazards on Pedestrian Concrete Pavement"
2009.03.25(WED) KAIST 이방연박사님 "Fiber Distribution Evaluation Using Digital Image Processing and Its Effect on Tensile Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Cement Concretes"
2009.03.25(WED) KAIST 권태혁 박사님 "Geotechnical Approach on Gas Hydrates"
2008.08.29(FRI) 한국해양연구원 이진학 박사님 "Modal Identification"
2008.05.23(FRI) Kongberg Mr.Lars "DP(Dynamic Positioning) control"
2008.05.22(THU) KAIST 김정수 박사님 "Development and Application of ECC Produced with Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag"
2008.05.22(THU) KAIST 김진용 박사님 "염소이온 침투 및 탄산화로 인한 콘크리트 내부 철근의 부식에 관한 해석적 연구"
2008.03.12(WED) 다음기술단 민대홍 박사님 "Life-Cycle Cost-Effective Design of Steel Bridges"
2008.02.19(TUE) KAIST 구기영 박사님 "Structural Health Monitoring Methods for Bridges Using Ambient Vibration & Impedance Measurements"
2008.02.19(TUE) KAIST 박승희 박사님 "Structural Health Monitoring for Critical Members of Civil Infrastructures using Piezoelectric Active Sensors"
2008.02.18(MON) 한국표준과학연구원 조승현 박사님 "자기변형현상 이용한 유도초음파 Transducer"
2008.02.18(MON) 서울대학교 박찬일 박사님 "자기변형현상을 이용한 축의 비틀림 진동"
2007.12.18(WED) 제이스코리아 조성국 박사님 "충격시험에 의한 원자력발전소 전기기기의 동특성분석"
2007.12.12(WED) 한국지질자원연구소 류창하 박사님 "발파진동에 의한 지반진동과 환경영향평가"
2007.11.28(WED) KAIST 정명진 박사님 "Application and Damage Detection of a Structure using Stochastic Filter Methods"
2007.11.13(WED) 한국표준과학연구원 권일범 박사님 "구조물 안전 모니터링을 위한 광섬유 센서"
2007.11.09(FRI) CKP풍공학연구소 홍성일 박사님 "바람과 구조물"
2007.11.01(THU) 아이엠기술단 임종권 박사님 "VE 및 LCC를 활용한 건설사업관리"
2007.10.23(TUE) 한국시설안전기술공단 송원근 박사님 "Evaluation of Residual Life Cycle for Underground Lifelines"
2007.09.20(THU) 군산대학교 송화창 교수님 "Voltage Stability Classification with SVM"
2007.02.09(FRI) 전남대학교 허정원 교수님 "확률론적 신뢰성해석과 신뢰성기반 설계"
2007.01.30(TUE) 한국기계연구원 이종원 박사님 "풍력발전시스템 개발 전망 및 연구 동향"
2006.10.30(MON) 전북대학교 권순덕 교수님 "풍공학 연구의 방향과 전망"
2006.09.07(THU) KAIST 김선필 박사님 "모멘트-곡률관계에 기초한 RC구조물 비선형동적해석"
2005.09.21(WED) 캘리포니아대학교 이종재 박사님 "Real Time Displacement Measurement of a Flexible Bridge Using Digital Image Processing Techniques "
2005.05.24(TUE) 삼성건설 김재권 상무님 "21세기 건설환경 변화에 따른 우리의 대응방안"
2005.04.14(THU) 대우건설 김상훈 박사님 "국내 건설사 TK설계 현황"
2004.12.09(THU) 대림산업 백종균 박사님 "장대교량의 설계와 시공"