FFT Analysis (FFT 분석)

Paste your time history data below (one value per line) (한 줄에 한 개 데이터로 시계열 붙여넣기):

Enter the time step (dt) in seconds (시간간격 dt(초) 입력):

Analysis Results (해석 결과; 결과 그래프를 확대(zoom)할 수 있음)

Example: FFT Analysis Result (예제: FFT 분석 결과)

FFT Analysis Example

Example of FFT analysis showing time domain and frequency domain plots

This image demonstrates the result of an FFT analysis on a time series data. The top graph shows the time domain representation of the signal, which appears to be a sine wave. The bottom graph shows the frequency domain representation, revealing a clear peak at the dominant frequency of the signal.

Key observations:

  • The time domain plot shows a sine wave with a period of about 0.2 seconds (5 cycles in 1 second).
  • The frequency domain plot has a prominent peak at around 5 Hz, corresponding to the observed time domain frequency.
  • The amplitude in the frequency domain is about 0.5, which is half the peak-to-peak amplitude of the time domain signal (as expected for a sine wave).